The Red CowNovember 19, 2023The Golden Apple of Wit & WisdomNovember 20, 2023 The Beardless, the Lame, & the One-Eyed Thief 92% Poeple like this Story 94% Ontold Fans Yerevan Location: Yerevan Yerevan & Aleppo Yerevan & Aleppo 9 CharactersCharacter01A young merchant from YerevanA young merchant from YerevanCharacter02a Lame Mana lame manCharacter03a Beardless Youtha beardless youthCharacter04a One-eyed Trickstera one-eyed tricksterCharacter05a Wise Cooka wise cookCharacter06an Old Shopkeeperan old shopkeeperCharacter07a Flock of Thievesa flock of thievesCharacter08a Magistratea magistrateCharacter09a Mother.and a mother. Adventure Mystery 1 2 3